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Savings Partners
You get a lot more than just savings, we turn all vendors from cost center into value center
Get discounts, rebates, savings on renewals and new purchases
Get negotiations support for vendor renewals so you get better deals and savings
Get vendor and market benchmark pricing info so you know what you should pay
Get better pricing and quotes from vendors without dealing with sales people
Get tracking and reminders for all vendor renewals and vendor inventory
Get support for issues, and escalations with vendors so you get things resolved faster
More options = more savings for all spend categories
A free savings analysis of your AP vendor spend file showing you potential savings for all your vendor spend
On average we save companies 15% for their entire vendor spend = more margins and budgets for your business
Get the savings estimate report usually within 48 hours and we only need very simple data pull
More than just show you potential savings, we automate and execute on the savings for you with hard dollar savings